Electromobility in the trade: Practical check with Sortimo and Mercedes-Benz

Proven suitability for everyday use with the factory solution from Sortimo and Mercedes-Benz Vans

In recent months, tradespeople in the region around Augsburg have been able to test one of a total of two Mercedes-Benz eVito equipped with high-quality SR5 racking system for up to two weeks. Over 20 customers from a wide range of industries used the eVito and were able to test the compatibility of the vehicle and its in-vehicle equipment in their everyday work. The project was very well received by many interested parties, so that after the first test phase the project was extended until the end of March 2023. The topic also received a lot of media coverage, which in turn demonstrates the importance and presence of electromobility in the skilled trades sector. Read this article to find out what findings have emerged from the format and what users have to say about the practical check.

What are the goals behind the project?

Two main objectives were pursued with the joint project. On the one hand, we, Sortimo, together with Mercedes-Benz Vans, would like to deepen our understanding of the needs and requirements of the target groups and expand our knowledge with regard to the various industries. On the other hand, within the framework of this project, we wanted to offer different trades from the region the opportunity to test an electric van in their everyday work and thus strengthen acceptance with regard to the integrability of electromobility. Many trades are concerned with the topic of electric vans, but the hurdle of switching from a comparable combustion engine to an electric vehicle is often still very high. This is precisely why we launched the project: We want to offer an opportunity to test the eVito not only as a test drive, but under real conditions in everyday life.


We offer integrated and flexible storage solutions for a wide range of industries that can be adapted precisely to the customer’s needs and the best possible use of the vehicle’s cargo space. The joint project with Mercedes-Benz Vans is intended to show our commercial customers that these solutions also work excellently in practice with battery-electric-powered vans. The location at our Innovation Center illustrates the future viability of this joint offering.

Reinhold Braun Managing Director of Sortimo International GmbH

The project setup – What did the testers get?

Highest quality standards with the promise of Sortimo and Mercedes-Benz

At a price of only 56 € per week (price plus VAT), the users received the highest standards both from Mercedes-Benz, in the form of the new eVito, and from Sortimo through the SR5 factory solution that was installed in the vehicle.

The highlights of the new Mercedes-Benz eVito:

  • Highly efficient electric motor with maximum 85 kW (116 hp) (continuous output 70 kW (95 hp)) and up to 360 Nm torque
  • Up to 314 km1.2 electric range (WLTP)
  • 60 kWh usable battery capacity
  • Electricity consumption 27.2-21.3 kWh/100 km
  • Charging power up to 11 kW (AC charging) or 80 kW3 (DC fast charging)
  • 4-year integrated maintenance package and 8-year battery certificate
  • Unrestricted charging volume of 6.6m³
  • Remote charging management and pre-conditioning
  • 4 recuperation stages for energy recovery

SR5 racking

  • SR5 racking for maximum increase in productivity
  • Maximum use of cargo space for more storage space
  • Clever extras – through various shelf, organizer and drawer elements in all conceivable sizes
  • Individually adaptable
  • Use of high-quality and robust materials

What do customers say after two weeks of practical testing?

Each test phase was followed by an approximately 45-minute feedback session in which users were able to share their experiences in an open discussion.
The main topics addressed and discussed here were charging, range, vehicle, equipment, sustainability and external impact.

For a glimpse of the findings, take a look here:


  • Charging was mainly done via private charging points in the companies or at employees – as long as own PV systems were available
  • Public charging parks tended to be used less
  • The charging infrastructure is still considered critical, as it still has significant potential for expansion


  • The eVito were used for everyday operation – mainly for driving to construtction sites and customers
  • average driven kilometers were between 30 – 300 km with an average driving time of two hours

Factory solution – SR5

  • The factory solution was very well received and rated by customers
  • The combination of different BOXXes sizes, shelves and drawers was well received by all industries

In general

  • The continuously variable driving of the eVito was perceived very positively
  • The vehicle and the project were very well received by customers and colleagues of the users
  • The ease with which the eVito and its in-vehicle equipment can be integrated into the daily work routine was rated as flawless

In cooperation with our VanSolution partner Sortimo, we are taking the transformation to electromobility further and offering businesses a concrete decision-making aid for the changeover to locally emission-free drives. The focus is on presenting a sector-specific solution for tradespeople and industrial customers. Together with Sortimo, we are thus offering our customers tested and certified expansion solutions ex works for an individual application.

Steffen Lucas, Head of Sales and Marketing Europe & Management Sales Transporter and Vans Germany Mercedes-Benz Vans

Sortimo SR5 racking system is also available as a VanSolution solution

The eVito are equipped by Sortimo with the SR5 racking system, which has also been available ex works as VanSolution since last fall. The SR5 racking system from Sortimo offers maximum use of cargo space and the best possible overview in the vehicle thanks to various organizational elements. The Sortimo EcoSystem ensures consistent compatibility of the racks with common tool boxes as well as with the practical ProClick tool bag system. SR5 can be expanded with individual accessories. The load compartment is clad to protect the bodywork and thus preserve its value. In addition, the loading floor is already provided with connection points for a further shelf, making subsequent installation possible at low cost.

“Electromobility in the skilled trades” at Zukunft Handwerk in Munich

At the end of the successful project, we were allowed to present it at the trade fair Zukunft Handwerk in Munich in the form of a lecture and were able to collect positive feedback from various sides. At our joint stand with Mercedes-Benz, both our colleagues from Mercedes and our colleagues from Sortimo were asked about the setup several times and met with great enthusiasm for the vehicle and in-vehicle equipment.

Sortimo is clearly behind the topic of electric mobility and is in close exchange with commercial vehicle manufacturers, as this project also shows. For our customers, this means that we are happy to provide advice when it comes to switching from conventional drives to electric vehicles. With intelligent solutions for the use of cargo space, we are on hand to help our customers achieve at least the same level of mobility in electric vehicles as they are used to with other drive systems.

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